Shakespeare by the Book
First Folio Number 22: The Lord Vernon Copy
Folger Shakespeare Library, 12/7/2016
During the First Folio! The Book That Gave Us Shakespeare tour, First Folio number 22 (given the tour nickname "The Lord Vernon Copy" ) was displayed in Delaware, Maryland, and at the University of Virginia Library.
Bidding ‘Fare Thee Well’ To Shakespeare's First Folio at UVA
UVA Today, 10/26/2016
The First Folio – one of four copies of the nearly 400-year-old edition circulating around the U.S. – departs UVA for parts unknown.
Shakespeare By the Book, and First Folio at UVA
WMRA, 10/18/2016
WMRA’s Sefe Emokpae interviews Molly Schwartzburg, curator with the Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, about the importance of the First Folio as the first large-format collection of Shakespeare’s plays and the earliest surviving documentation of many of his most famous plays.
Original Shakespeare Folio On Display at UVA
WVTF Public Radio, 10/6/2016
To honor UVA's exhibition of a First Folio on tour from the Folger Shakespeare Library, actors from UVA's drama department, and from the American Shakespeare Center in Staunton, will perform Shakespeare in the Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library on Saturday, October 8.
Shakespeare’s First Folio comes to Charlottesville
CVille Weekly, 10/5/2016
The Folger Shakespeare Library's choice of UVA as a venue for its First Folio touring exhibition was the inspiration for UVA's exhibition on the history of Shakespeare in print.
'Irreplaceable' Shakespeare text finds a special place at UVa
Daily Progress, 10/1/2016
The First Folio blends with the Library's "Shakespeare by the Book" exhibit, showing that imprecise printing methods of the day means there can be no definitive version of Shakespeare; but the First Folio provides a standard that scholars continue to follow.
Get a rare glimpse of Shakespeare's First Folio
NewsLeader, 9/28/2016
The arrival of The First Folio, and the festivities surrounding its exhibition in the Harrison North Gallery of the UVA Special Collections Library, represents a collaboration between UVA faculty, Staunton's American Shakespeare Center, and the Library.
Nine Things to Do With Shakespeare’s First Folio, Coming to UVA in October
UVA Today, 9/26/2016
The book of most importance to the Shakespeare canon arrives at the Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, setting off a series of scholarly and fun activies in celebration.
Shakespearean Insults: The Editorial Edition
Notes From Under Grounds, 6/28/2016
Blog post summarizes the competitiveness between early editions of the Bard's work, and the war of wits and words that accompanied them.
UVA Special Collections features original Shakespeare printworks
CVille Weekly, 5/27/2016
The Arts section of the CVille Weekly features an in-depth article on the Library's Shakespeare exhibition.
The Bard's Birthday Bash in Pictures
UVA Library News and Announcements, 4/26/2016
The Library Council celebrates Shakespeare's birthday with cake, lectures, living history, and a demonstration of the printer's art.
Shakespeare on the Ides of March
UVA Today, 3/14/2016
In honor of the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death and in anticipation of the rare First Folio edition it will host in October, UVA’s Special Collections Library has created a new exhibit that looks at the strange and wonderful history of Shakespeare in print.
Open Now!: Shakespeare by the Book
Notes From Under Grounds, 2/25/2016
The Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library joins in marking the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death with its own exhibition of rare Shakespeare material.
Shakespeare Exhibition Featuring UVA Special Collections to Open in Harrison/Small
UVA Library News and Announcements, 2/21/2016
The Library announces that there will be an exhibition of material on Shakespeare from the Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library in the north gallery of Harrison/Small from February 22, 2016 through December 31, 2016.
U.Va. Chosen to Host ‘Priceless’ Shakespeare Folio 400 Years After Bard’s Death
UVA Today, 2/26/15
The Folger Shakespeare Library has selected the University of Virginia as one stop on its touring exhibition of a copy of the First Folio, commemorating the 400th year of Shakespeare's death.